Is my textbook available in the library?


Maybe. UH Mānoa Library owns many books that are used as a "textbook" for current classes. Also, your professor may have put a personal copy of the textbook "on reserve" in Hamilton Library. These are sometimes available electronically as well.

You can search for the title of your "textbook" using OneSearch. We may have a physical copy or an ebook version available. You can also use the Advanced Search screen in OneSearch and limit your search to "Course Reserves." This will allow you to search by course instructor, course ID, course name. 

UH Mānoa Library does not attempt to purchase every textbook used each semester. Also, in some cases, a book published specifically as a "textbook" may not even be available for purchase by academic libraries.

Please feel free to contact us by email, telephone or chat to verify whether or not we own a book currently being used for your class. 


  • Last Updated Mar 30, 2022
  • Views 59
  • Answered By David Flynn

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