How do I find a book in Hamilton Library?


Use OneSearch to find out if UH Manoa Library owns a particular book: 
You can search by book title, author or subject terms. If you want, you can limit your search to only UHM Library and set the "Material Type" to "Books" before you execute your search. Or, you can search on keywords, author, title, etc., and then "Tweak your results" after you perform the search. There are many helpful filters available with every list of results.

If you already have a "call number" for the book you want: 
Hamilton Library houses several different collections (for example, the Asia Collection, the Pacific Collection, the Main Collection, etc.) And, all of these separate collections use the complete range of call numbers from A to Z. So, first take note of which "collection" your book is in and then use the Call Number Chart and floor maps to get you headed in the right direction.

Helpful hint: Ask for help at any of our service desks to get assistance with finding that important book on our shelves. We are here to help.

Not sure how to discover books on your topic? Please contact the librarian for your subject area. The subject librarians will help you identify relevant materials.

  • Last Updated Mar 30, 2022
  • Views 262
  • Answered By David Flynn

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