How do I print something in Hamilton Library?


Printing is available from all library computers. You can pay for your printout with your UH Manoa OneCard, Guest Card, or cash. Color printing is available in the Government Documents/Maps department, as well as on the first floor of Hamilton.

Wireless printing from your own device is available using the PrinterOn campus printing software and is available at selected printers in Hamilton Library. Patrons with UH user accounts or VIA access can print from their own laptop computer. Printouts can be retrieved using the UH Manoa OneCard, Guest Card, or cash paystations.

ITS Hamilton Library wireless printing system:

After logging in, you can choose one of three printer locations in the CLIC Labs or the HAWNPAC printer in the Hawaiian & Pacific Collections Reading Room, fifth floor.

Cost is 10 cents per page for standard printing and 75 cents per page for color printing. 

When you select a printer location the print request (JOBNAME) on the paystation window will be your UH login name. Note: Print requests disappear after two hours if not executed or deleted.

For more help with printing, please see the lab monitors in the CLIC Lab, first floor of Hamilton Library.


  • Last Updated May 10, 2022
  • Views 1901
  • Answered By Sarah Nakashima

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