Where are the scanners and copy machines?
A photocopier (black and white only) and two KIC scanners are available on the first floor of Hamilton Library. These are located near the tiled open study space (an area we like to call the "sunny alcove"). The photocopier costs 10 cents per page. Scanners are free to use.
The Hawaiian and Pacific Collection on the 5th floor also has a KIC scanner.
KIC Scanner Manual (not all features may be available)
Note: The public photocopiers in Hamilton library are intended for personal use only. The copy quality of the photocopiers is not designed or intended to be “of professional quality”. Paper and supplies for the photocopiers are maintained by Circulation department. Please contact Circulation for minor problems (paper jams, out of toner indicators) with any photocopier. Copiers accept coins ($.05 or greater) or bills (up to $5.00). Change is in coin only.