What should I do if I can't find the book I want on the shelf? OneSearch says it is available.
There are a few things you can do in this situation. First, always feel free to ask for assistance at any of the service desks in Hamilton Library. We have a lot of practice with finding items in our collections.
Occasionally, books can get a little misplaced as people browse several items on a shelf. Take a look nearby where the book is supposed to be shelved. Sometimes a book gets place a shelf above or below or left or right by accident.
Also, make sure you are in the correct collection. There are several different collections (for example, Government Documents, Asia, East Asia, Main, Pacific, etc.) housed in Hamilton Library. They all use the complete range of call numbers from A to Z. So, a book with the call number HC 107 might be available in two different collections.
You can check the "sorting areas" on the 2nd and 3rd floors to see if item is being prepared for its return to the shelf.
If we unable to locate the material, the library will use its interlibrary loan services to borrow the item for you from another library.